A Letter from Your Feet

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We have been very good this year! We have taken you everywhere you want to go and enabled you to stand, walk, run, work, play and participate in sports, not to mention all the extra work we’ve been doing over the holidays. As the feet of a Texas Foot Specialists patient, we’re hoping you’ll remember us with a special holiday gift.

Below are some items on our holiday wish list. Please choose as many as you can!

  1. Foot Massage—don’t we deserve one?! Whether done by a professional or at home, foot massage can help relieve pain and fatigue in the feet and it’s a great overall de-stressor. If you’re massaging yourself, take your time and firmly massage the sole, ball of the foot, and heel. Gently stretch the toes and spread the forefoot. There are also many foot massage machines on the market, making it easy for a relaxing massage at the end of every day.

  2. Lotion and Soft Socks—our skin gets extra dry in the winter and we most certainly want to avoid flakes and heel cracks. A rich, emollient moisturizer will soothe dry skin. After applying, the soft socks will help the lotion absorb better into the skin.

  3. Anti-Fatigue Mat—those many hours spent in front of the sink and stove would be much more bearable if we had a cushioned mat designed specifically to relieve pressure on the feet. If you’re feeling very generous, we’d like one for the office as well.

  4. Podiatric Checkup—we’re experiencing a little unexplained pain in our heels and, of course, there’s that ingrown toenail that keeps coming back. Even when we are perfectly healthy, it’s always good to periodically get checked by podiatrists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum. Not only can the foot doctor help diagnose and treat any existing foot or ankle discomfort, but he can also give us tips on how to be proactive and stay healthy for you. Contact our Sugar Land 281-242-4448, Pasadena 281-991-0600, or Houston 713-664-6677 offices to schedule an appointment in the New Year.  

With love and best wishes for Happy Holidays,

Your Feet