Be Kind to Your Feet this Holiday Season


At Texas Foot Specialists we know that our patients will be working hard to make the holidays merry and bright this year for their loved ones. It’s always a time of the year that demands a lot of your feet and this year more than ever it’s important to protect and keep them healthy! Below are some tips to help.

  • Pace Yourself—there are many tasks associated with the holidays that mean long hours on your feet--shopping, mailing at the post office, and cooking, to name just a few. Be sure to spread out the work.  Schedule breaks throughout busy days and find the time to put your feet up for 15 to 20 minutes every few hours.

  • Don’t Neglect Daily Care—it only takes a few minutes each day to give your feet the basic care they need. Wash feet with soap and warm water and dry completely. Dust with foot powder in the morning before putting on socks to help keep feet dry and prevent fungal infections. Finish the day with a rich, emollient moisturizer and cover feet with cotton socks to help it absorb. This will keep feet supple and help avoid heel cracks.

  • Feast Wisely—there’s sure to be many treats and temptations on the menu this season. The trick is to enjoy your favorites without going overboard and gaining weight that you and your feet will regret in the New Year. Carrying excess weight puts a strain on your feet and increases your chances of stress fractures, heel pain, and other podiatric conditions. If you suffer from gout, you may need to severely limit or avoid red meat, shellfish, organ meats, red wine, brandy, and beer.

  • Make Smart Footwear Choices—one of the best ways to keep your feet healthy and happy is by wearing shoes that fit properly and offer adequate arch support. A non-slip tread is necessary for rainy or icy days. Limit your time in high heels by packing them and changing them once you arrive at your festivities. If our podiatrists have prescribed a custom orthotic, don’t forget to use it with whatever shoes you choose.

If you do sustain a foot or ankle injury or begin to experience pain or discomfort, don’t put off getting it evaluated by our podiatrists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum. We have COVID protocols in place and it is perfectly safe to visit our Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600), or Houston (713-664-6677) offices. Call us if you need to schedule an appointment.