Are Your Fitness Resolutions Failing?


It’s a common scenario: you start out gung-ho on the first day of January, determined to get into shape this year. You may go strong for the first week or two, but then slowly your enthusiasm begins to wane. You miss a workout here or there and before you know it, your resolutions fizzle. At Texas Foot Specialists, we want to help our patients avoid fitness failure. Below are some tips that may help.

  • Get podiatric pain evaluated promptly—If your new workout has caused you some discomfort in your feet or ankles you may think taking a few days off from exercising is the answer. If you do this, however, and the pain returns when you start to work out again it’s essential that you get it checked out by our podiatrists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum. The foot doctor can determine what is causing the problem and prescribe the treatment to correct it. Your podiatrist can make recommendations about the best types of exercise to accommodate any chronic foot conditions you may have. Contact our Sugar Land 281-242-4448, Pasadena 281-991-0600, or Houston 713-664-6677 offices to schedule an appointment.

  • Check your footwear—If your feet and legs feel tired or achy, it may be that the shoes you’re using for your fitness regimen are worn out or not correct for the type of activity you are doing. Athletic shoes have a lifespan! For walking and running it’s usually 300-500 miles. Shoes may look fine but may have worn down internally and are no longer adequate.

  • Put it on Your Calendar—Set a weekly goal for the number of times you want to exercise. Then, plan ahead and put in specific dates and times in your planner for your workouts. You’re more likely to reach your goal if you treat this commitment the same as any other important appointment.

  • Phone a Friend—An exercise pal can help you stay motivated and accountable. Fortunately, activities like walking can be done outside and at a socially safe distance. If your workout (or your friend) doesn’t allow for physically getting together, try face timing while you exercise.

The benefits of regular exercise for your feet and the rest of your body are significant. Don’t give up on your new year’s plans to make it happen! If you need additional information about fitness and your feet, contact us.