3 Ways to Celebrate International Podiatry Day

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October 8th is International Podiatry Day and here at Texas Foot Specialists, we want to encourage our patients to recognize this day by doing something beneficial for their feet. The average person will walk approximately 115,000 miles over the course of their lifetime. Being proactive in the care of your feet can help you stay active and avoid foot pain and many common disorders. Celebrate with us by doing one or more of the items on the list below:

1. Commit to a Good Foot Care Regimen—What does daily care of your feet currently look like? If your answer is “Uh, nothing really,” we have a few quick and simple suggestions. Start by just washing your feet every day with soap and water. This one step will go a long way to eliminating fungal and bacterial infections like athlete’s foot. Next, if your feet tend to be sweaty try applying foot powder or a roll-on deodorant to the soles of your feet before putting on your socks. Lastly, before climbing into bed at night, apply a rich moisturizer and a pair of socks to keep feet supple and prevent dry skin and heel cracks. All in less than 8 minutes a day—your feet are worth it!

2. Do a Shoe Audit—Look in your closet and be honest—how many pairs of shoes do you own that hurt when you wear them? Shoes that are toe tight, rub at the heel or pinch your toes are harming your feet. Many toe deformities such as bunions and hammertoes are caused by wearing shoes that don’t fit properly. You are also more prone to a sports injury if your athletic shoes are worn out. (Hint: even if they look fine, running and walking shoes only have a lifespan of 300-500 miles. After that internal support and cushioning deteriorate.) Replace with new shoes that fit properly and are well made.

3. Get Foot Pain and Unusual Changes Evaluated Promptly—One way to head foot problems off at the pass is by examining your feet regularly and looking for any concerning symptoms. Swelling, sores that don’t heal, changes in skin color or nail condition and growths can all be signs of a developing foot problem. If you notice anything suspicious or you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, contact our Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600) or Houston (713-664-6677) office for an appointment and let our podiatrists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum examine your feet to find the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.