Detecting Arthritis in Your Feet


At Texas Foot Specialists, when we treat patients who have twisted an ankle or dropped a heavy object on their foot, the source of pain is obvious. In other instances, however, the reason for pain and disconcerting symptoms may not be apparent. One disorder that can manifest this way is arthritis. There are four typical symptoms that can be warning signs of arthritis:

  1. Pain—particularly pain that seems to be in the joints of your ankles, feet, or toes is common to most forms of arthritis. What makes it tricky, however, is that this pain may be constant or it can come and go. Some patients with arthritis may experience pain when active, others at rest. So regardless of the extent or consistency of the pain, if joint pain is persistent, pay attention to it.

  2. Stiffness—At first you may just think you’ve been sitting too long at your desk but if you notice stiffness after a long car ride or at other times too it may be pointing to an arthritic condition. Stiffness from arthritis is often particularly pronounced in the morning when you first wake up. If you experience morning stiffness and it lasts longer than an hour, arthritis may be the culprit.

  3. Swelling—Certain types of joint disease may cause skin changes. You may notice that the area surrounding a joint appears swollen and red. It might also feel warmer than the rest of your skin. The swelling may also come and go.

  4. Limited Motion—Is it difficult to fully extend your foot or to straighten a toe? Does it seem hard to get out of a reclining chair or into the car without pain? This is another potential sign of arthritis.

If one or more of these symptoms sound familiar, it’s important that you have your feet and ankles evaluated by our podiatrists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum. Contact our Sugar Land 281-242-4448, Pasadena 281-991-0600, or Houston 713-664-6677 offices to schedule an appointment today.