Avoid Common Podiatric Skin Problems


When it comes to healthy feet, the condition of your skin may not be the first thing you think of. However, here at Texas Foot Specialists we know that common skin disorders can be irritating and slow you down. Below are three skin disorders that we frequently treat and what you can do to prevent them.

  • Athlete’s Foot—This fungal infection is easily recognized by its dry, red, scaly skin that is intensely itchy. It often develops first between the toes and then spreads to the soles of the feet. Left untreated, blisters may form that will ooze and break open, leaving you susceptible to a bacterial infection as well. Fortunately, you can greatly reduce your risk of athlete’s foot by keeping your feet covered in public places like the gym and nail salon. Don’t share items used by others on their feet such as nail clippers, towels and shoes. Keep your feet dry by using talcum powder each morning and changing your socks if you notice they feel damp.

  • Blisters—Blisters are the result of friction between your feet and your footwear. Get your feet measured by a footwear professional to ensure you are wearing the correct size. Before purchasing a pair of shoes, run your hand around the inside of the shoe to be sure there are no loose stitching or rough patches that could rub on your skin. Avoid socks with seams that can irritate your skin.

  • Heel Fissures—Dry skin on your heel can result in cracks or fissures. Not only can these be extremely painful, but they are also an open invitation to infections. Use a rich, emollient moisturizer on heels and the rest of your feet each night before bed. Cover feet with socks to help ensure lotion or cream is fully absorbed.

If you notice rashes, discoloration, growths, dryness, blisters or other skin abnormalities on your feet, contact our Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600) or Houston (713-664-6677) office for an appointment. Our podiatrists Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum will examine the skin on your feet and prescribe the appropriate treatment if a skin condition has developed.