Help Your Feet by Losing Weight


At Texas Foot Specialists, we know that if you’re like many people you may have overindulged during the holidays and put on a few extra pounds that you’d now like to be rid of. Did you know that your weight can significantly impact the health of your lower extremities? For example, every extra pound you gain puts 3-5 pounds of pressure on your knees. Being overweight is also a risk factor for many common foot problems including heel pain, sesamoiditis and arthritis. The good news is that you don’t have to go on a starvation diet that deprives you of all your favorite foods (and that probably wouldn’t work anyway!). Instead, try some of the simple suggestions below and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you’ll shed those excess pounds.

  • Eat before you eat. About half an hour before dinner, have a glass of vegetable juice, a small salad or another low-calorie snack. This will take the edge off your hunger and reduce the amount you eat at a meal.

  • Drink more water. It’s tried and true, drinking more water throughout the day will help you feel full. It’s also a fact that sometimes we misperceive thirst for hunger. In addition, staying hydrated will also flush toxins and excess fluid from your body—a factor in conditions like gout and edema.

  • Exercise portion control. Instead of sitting in front of the television with an open bag of chips, pretzels or cookies, count out the number recommended for a serving and put the bag away.

  • Read labels. Many times, the same kind of food will vary dramatically in nutritional content from brand to brand. There are wraps with 80 calories and wraps with 220 calories. One brand of spaghetti sauce may have 7 grams of sugar, while another has 12.

  • Make smart substitutions. Look for ways to satisfy cravings without the fat and calories. Choose creamy Greek yogurt over ice cream, baked vegetable chips over full-fat potato chips, etc.

Maintaining a healthy weight is just one way to be proactive in the care of your feet. If you have questions about other ways to take better care of your feet, contact our Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600) or Houston (713-664-6677) office for more information. Our podiatrists Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum are committed to helping our patients keep their feet and ankles healthy.