Things That Go Bump--on Your Feet

At Texas Foot Specialists we know that as we approach Halloween, things that go bump in the night are to be expected, but most of our patients don’t appreciate finding lumps and bumps on their feet! Below are some common causes of growths on your feet.

Haglund’s Deformity—a large bump on the back of your heel is most likely Haglund’s deformity. Genetics plays a part in the development of this bony enlargement. Certain inherited foot structures such as a tight Achilles tendon, high-arched feet, or a tendency to walk on the outside of the heel can all make you more prone to developing Haglund’s deformity. The location of the bump makes it susceptible to pressure from traditional pumps and other rigid backed shoes like men’s dress shoes and ice skates. Oftentimes, shoe modifications or orthotics can help alleviate pain.

Plantar Fibroma—a noticeable lump in the arch of your foot that feels firm may be a plantar fibroma. This benign fibrous nodule may or may not be painful. The mass may increase in size or stay the same, but it will not likely go away or shrink without treatment. Several treatment options are available including steroid injections, orthotics and physical therapy. In cases of severe discomfort, a fibroma may have to be surgically removed.

Ganglion Cyst—the word “ganglion” means knot and that is how this mass of jellylike fluid that forms below the surface of the skin may feel or appear. It often forms on the top of your foot but can occur in other parts of it as well. The cause of these cysts isn’t fully known, but sometimes they occur after a trauma to the foot. Ganglion cysts may get smaller or even disappear and reappear. Shoe modifications and needle aspiration of the fluid are the most common treatments.

All lumps or growths on your feet should be checked out promptly by our podiatrists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum. Contact our Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600), or Houston (713-664-6677) office for an appointment.